Neo rural Figueres House

Neorural Farm for wine production

Design and work

  • Bioclimatic.
  • Bioconstruction
  • Biological management of water, including bio-debugging.
  • EMF Minimization
  • Natural ventilation.
  • Thermal solar energy
  • Thermal energy for Heating
  • Integration for food orchards sufficiency

In the Family we have a winery, we make organic wine, on a small scale, but bringing to the market a new way to recover the authentic, artisanal wine of our land. We had an old building that was already falling apart so we decided to take everything out and make a new house, with the current bioconstruction technologies, with more light, with more natural ventilation, and with outdoor spaces that allowed us to live the landscape of Ampurdà, near the Mediterranean and the mountains of the Pyrenees. Together with the Architect Jordi Badia we decided that the model of Mediterranean house, all white, with a central courtyard, with shaded terraces, would be ideal for our possibilities and our way of living. It was amazing the change to see the result compared to the homes of neighbours in the area.

Albert Fita

Promoter: Private
Localization: Cabanes, Alt Empordà,
Catalonia -Es
Year: 2003