The city: The most complex system developed by humanity

Graduate program Fundação Politècnica de Catalunya – UNESCO ChairTechnology
, sustainable development, imbalances and global change: An interdisciplinary analysis of the state of the world

Jordi Badia
Sabadell, July 11, 1997-

Translation: Curitiba – August 2020

The graduate course gave us a broad multidisciplinary view of the state of the world, and perhaps lacked the views of some less common points of view, and perhaps the views that were exposed seemed to be partial or biased, -well, fits into the human reality of the opinions found and confronted- and, in any case, it is necessary to recognize the shedding of data and more data, from all these partial worlds, which exceeded the ability to retain it consistently in each of us, and thus hindering the possibility of working them with a certain rationality.


This is the object of the work: what size of complexity are we able to assimilate?
How far do we know our surroundings so we can recreate it coherently without destroying it? If we are stuming criteria for evolution and sustainability, values for the natural and cultural environment, what deve be life for humanity, for living beings, for ecosystems and for the planet, how will it be possible to manage so much information in a balanced way?

From the ecological and environmental point of view, the diagnoses of the state of
the world and the opposite: 0'7, sustainable development, Agenda 21, Factor 4we are playing for a change of conceitos, values, and models… which are propagated as one-way priority objectives for a better future. However, this message does not come only correctly, neither for the population nor for the institutions, but even organizing major world summits of international organizations such as the UN.

I propose a tour showing flaws to the sender, in the
middle, in the message and to the receiver. And The mainly to the environment, which is ultimately the current culture in which we are immersed and desde the interior of which we want to "mutate".

I propose to talk about it with the excuse of the city, because it is the space where more cultural information circulates. It is the most powerful physical structure of humanity, and therefore a reflection of the common agendas, patterns, standards and goals.

Finally, I would venture into some conclusions about the coherent cognitive capacity of the
human being, and the amount of information we need to live today, the quality / complexity of this information and the ability to collectively digest/meditate on this culture. And, consequently, the potential for work, study and action in a trans-disciplinary manner with a comprehensive, global and integrated edge that we must achieve in the construction of a common space: The City.

The problem exposure in itself is quite complex. It is certainly not possible to face it "Rational". Philosophy tells us that it is not possible to show a system from within the system, because the language of description is part of the system and nothing can be described in itself. It is necessary to place yourself at a higher level to be able to observe objectively.

We are at a time when humanity is making a transcendental qualitative step comparable to the moment when "homo" became "Sapiens sapiens", at that time in prehistory when he recognized himself differently to other beings on the planet, he knew of his size, of his abilities. Since a few years ago we are beginning a process of recognition of our home: the planet Earth. Because we have obtained means of information capable of showing us it from outside, from space, but also today we have the means to reach any information from any part of the planet immediately (excluding information from the information desks).

Currently, schools explain the problem of the ozone hole, or the relationships of underdevelopment in the Third World, and students already adopt global models of reasoning to suit their local experiences. Still with a long process of readaptation that educators will need to achieve a body of their own coherent educational context.

With everything we have no choice but to explain the system from the system, otherwise they will return us to the "progressive" approaches of the '50s, with methodologies of specialization, to observe from another partiality with isolated phenomena.

The human capacity to make this step is still to be seen; Introducing concepts such
as Synchronicity (exposed by C. Jung, and extracted from Chinese wisdom), the recent theory of chaos, (which only at the level of the lexicon reintroduce us the concepts of diversity, anarchy or random in the positive sense) The ability of reliable intuitive knowledge, the morphogenetic fields (term studied both from philosophy and para-science), the ability to consensus (from Latin: consensus... Term of sociology related to collective consciousness on the one hand and with development on the other side), the ability to learn and continuous adaptation that carries an additional effort of social and personal disinhibition, and that ultimately involve the determination of some minimum values… like wisdom, love and freedom…

At the moment, the problem has gone complicated, so I'll warn them that throughout the exposure appear two levels, of which I will jump from each other when i need:

The problem itself is > < conceptual exdisplay of the problem

Humans are the most powerful executing element that alters the natural dynamics of the planet. Humans are the only element on the planet capable of almost entirely transforming the surface of the planet from Earth. Humanity has been able to all this "development" of the species because it formed a special relationship system: Culture . A system that allows the generation of artificial information, including generated from natural information, is an auto-regenerative system. And within cultures, languages, as Expressed by N. Chomsky, are tools, mechanisms, laws, parallel to the natural mechanisms of what we call the "physics" of relativity" and "quantum physics."

Do we really notice this trait? A quick check:

The concept of "sustainable development" according to the Brundtland Commission ' 87

  This form of development encompasses the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to be able to cover theirs in the future.

Aren't we reading?:

  This form of development encompasses the needs of the present human generation without compromising the ability of future human generations to be able to cover theirs.

The anthropocentric conception of the modern era in the "Western world" implies linguistic, and therefore mental, schemes, in which the accidental man is the unnameable referent (anonymous?), which does not need to be mentioned because everyone over-understands. Is it the same position as the anonymous god of some religions?

As far as we realize we are organizing human discourse in terms such as:

  – CO ² levels are very high.
– Tropical forests of indiscriminate logging must be preserved.
– Some fishing reserves have already been exhausted.

Do you realize that it is really necessary to express yourself in other terms in order to integrate the rest of nature in a balanced way?:

  -Co² levels due to emissions caused by Western human society are very high respect for the assimilation capacity of the natural environment.
– Men and women around the planet must preserve the forests of the tropical areas of indiscriminate logging that we are practicing.
– Several species of fish that were part of some marine ecosystem, the humans of the first world we took advantage, as a reserve of the fishing capital, we exhausted them.

So far we talk about destruction, misunderstood or mismanaged exploitation, from the perspective of the Western human individual, but was it destroyed to survive?, or was it done in the name of some precept that led man to a personal or collective improvement? In fact, all this spoliation is in the name of Western progress. From the same economic-political analysis exposed by C. Marx makes a reflection that capitalism is a destructive and progressive tool, and is more, inviting to a reflection in seeking a dialectical system that thinks positive and negative to act accordingly.

Until recently, Western man considered himself subjugated by nature, exposed to it and suffering insecurity. To solve it invented a complex sociocultural system that has its highest level of representation in the city.

But as we know, there are cultures that do not consider themselves threatened by nature. In the polar opposite of this Marxist intellectual reflection we have the vitalist example of the peoples of the interior of the Amazon, who do not practice this dynamic, neither of spoliation nor progress.

And in another sense today both the "successes" achieved in front of nature, as an education of reunion with the natural environment makes this fear of the forest disappear from the Western parameters.

Is there an intermediate route?, is it necessary to choose an intermediate route?, With everything, do we want to choose our path?

0- The approach

The most powerful of human physical creations is the city, given that it is the ecosystem it creates for the structural support of its social life. And it is the most powerful creation in several ways: because it is the most complex of its creations, because it is the one that most energy-matter used in its construction, because it is the one that most interrelated sociocultural and production subsectors entail, because it is the one that uses the most matter-energy for its maintenance, etc…

In fact, it is so complex that there is currently no entity capable of conceiving it/percebing it in its operational fullness, and we could argue whether there is any capable of idear/plan its basic structure. Already at the time, and still hard, we try to understand the city in parts, by areas, zoning, the results of this type of analysis and proposal are those that we currently find leaving on the street.

I. history

The town (originally village) arises parallel to the agricultural settlement. The history understood from the perspective of the evolutionary steps, of large stages that change in a short time human societies, clearly distinguishes the agricultural revolution, and 4,000 years later the Industrial Revolution, while the function of the city as a continuous and despised evolutionary thread.

This view of steps told the history of the productive system, but not of the consumption system.
Against the most scattered historiography theses explain to us the world from a perspective of history always immersed in capitalism, understanding that the global human system has always worked by this method and, therefore, uses consumption analysis instead of production.

In addition, since the theses of ecologists, a new stage of even more comprehensive analysis is proposed, through environmental audits. Regardless of where the elements for social consumption are produced: vegetable food, manufactures, robotics, information or art, they are all consumed in the city, and they all become garbage in the city. They focus on this dense space that provides maximum benefit in distribution.

It should be noted that this concentration began since the implementation of agricultural systems: concentration of food production instead of harvesting (harvest in the hunter-gatherer sense). Concentration has justified the city in the thickness of its history so far, the city deconcentrated, equivalent to dispersed population and by definition little incoessa. In fact, it is not entirely negative from the point of view of the efficiency of equitable distribution, only throughout history has gone unbound from all limitation, and now we find nuclei that are so dense (like a black hole) that are collapsing into their own interior.

This fact (the concentration) generated from the first settlement the "surplus" and therefore the free time for other functions different types of agriculture, such as craft-technology, or as the organization (usually hierarchization) of individual functions within the community, and the control of all this operation.

Until the seventeenth century, after the technological application of mechanical energy to modes of transport, the city lived self-sufficiently with the agricultural and techno-artisanal products of the nearby region, or as much of some exotic markets in large geophysical regions, such as the Mediterranean or the like, we remember the cities of the northern Italian state of the SXV.

It is from steam, fuels and later electricity that the city's capacity to ensure its supply diversifies further and moves away, while control is delegated into the hands of imperial-colonial systems, reminding us that the brute force of the military was very important.

This separation-identification of central power and local needs, was present throughout history in different degrees and forms, from Empire cities like Rome, to city-states like Venice, passing through a whole intermediate spectrum of imperial capitals, such as Toledo or London, and node cities of flow control, such as Seville of S. XV or New York in the early twentieth century etc…

It would be an interesting research work a study of the history of the energy-city relationship to verify how the city has always been the controller of the great energy packages of a country: From the formation of Empires from cities located in the deltas of rivers, to the absorption of natural energies generated by waterfalls in the mountains, or in mining basins, nullifying the prosperity of the alternative nuclei of the population as febrile colonies throughout and fulfilled Europe.

Now, when the international market allows all cities in the developed world, forming metropolitan areas that cover half Europe, or the West Coast of the United States or the east coast, to guarantee gregariously their supplies from anywhere on the planet, it turns out that at the other end the need to bring the city's government closer to the city itself becomes increasingly evident, so that it can be control-manage the solutions of your needs. In this sense, the entire democratic government is delegating competencies to more local agencies, including social entrepreneurship, cooperative, and public-private partnerships, bringing management of administration to the citizen. And proposing programs of citizen participation, with the objective of involving neighbors to the management of the city, with the intention of reversing this long-standing historical dynamic that has been separating the citizen of the City.

II. identification

The bio-social function of the city is often addressed as the space in which the community solves the needs of humanity. Protection of climate inclemency and the collectivization of specialized functions for the best performance of the group. The German proverb says, "The air of the city sets me free." An Ideal that encourages the birth, growth and maintenance of the city. At this moment, this dynamic has become extremely complex in order to prevent any geophysical, climatological risk, food supply, water, energy, sanitary hygiene, industrial or intellectual creation, etc… But as the world has been completing its multinational relations, multi-citizen relations will also be completed and the city's size to its natural region becomes less evident. This state leads the citizens of the big city to extreme situations of love and hate, while they are denying the city on weekends, forming long crowds of exit and entry on toll roads, also maddeningly blessing the international representation events to which their leaders commit. The escape from the city during free time, is at the same time the search for freedom lost in the city, and discharges it from the general stress by the rhythm of urban society, and more, also meant new forms of urbanization in homes, spreading the urbanization throughout the territory in a dispersed way invading the natural reserves even.

Currently there is only the identification of a cultural and leisure offer in the city. Residence in suburban neighborhoods, or work in industrial districts also outside the city dissolved the concept of the human city. The culture we find in the city is no longer a lasting culture but of using and playing-in-the-trash, the "successes" of radio music and ballads, the "most sellers", the repetitive novels, the annual events of institutional culture, or branded clothes… But we should all be grateful to have so many opportunities, and it is in fact compensated with the true cultural offer of libraries and universities, much more abundant than in the rural area, for the sake of marketing. We know that the culture that reaches the villages is mainly the telenovela. Does this negative factor explain why people are staying in cities rather than evenly populating rural regions? And a sarcastic question but it explains synthetically many other whys, of why youth goes to the city.

In relation to the very space of the city, the complexity of movement, displacement within the city has become equally difficult in its form that it is equally difficult to acquire a mental knowledge of this space, mental cartographic representation, and ultimately causes the impossibility Spatial identification and personal identification.

The citizen who lives in the city has in mind the places of need: the store, the work, the children's school, the historic shopping center, the shopping mall at the road junction to spend Friday afternoon…. buying, but is unable to engage in a joint improvement in the neighborhood through the Neighbors Association. He doesn't know his neighbors, even to compete with the car, the satellite TV antenna, or the wi-fi.

III. Relationship

So many agents are involved in the formation and maintenance of the city that currently exceed to measure the traditional concept of the city: The "Big Trust Corporations" are organizations to maintain life in the city: Carrefour – Big – Sugar loaf, – nestle- novartis – pharmaceuticals…., and many others. But at the same time, exceeds what is imaginable by a human, the amount of interrelations between small agents: The multiple supply networks, industrial processes and local services of all kinds, training and Technical-inteletual, the different styles of subcultures, the city administration itself…

The degree of relationship of individuals in the city is a two-wire weapon that we accept. In the city we can find the "ideal" relationship group, the multiplicity of options allows more than one individual to meet and collaborate on common projects, associationism in a pure state. But also the crowding in the street causes the feeling of loneliness, Be surrounded by the same that ignores our presence. This situation is common when moving in the city, and there is never such a cohesive group that adapts to all individual circumstances, so that the City has definitively separated the common services for individual citizens, bureaucracy has imposed its schedules, "resolving" individual needs.

Cities are "small" ecosystems created by human communities, and the city that is built, by effect or by default, is the physical form of the non-civic-political program of the community that inhabits it.

Currently, the city exceeds the amount of information that a human can assimilate. Conventional action methodologies are conceived from bias, unable to act in a olistic ecosystem. The citizen is overwhelmed by the flood of knowledge necessary to act in his immediate surroundings, and beyond that, and gets further away (in space-time and concept) to decide on topics from other parts of the same city.

Is there a size of information to maintain cultural coherence?

Is there a city size capable of integrating into the bio-regional ecosystem?

In any case, achieving a coherent state is so delicate and adjusted, that we rarely find Cities, or peoples, that they have succeeded.

Western cities, and now already great megalopolises in the third world, ignore each day this regional complementarity and impose themselves as a form totally beyond the rest of nature, in a world not complementary.

If we do the numbers, and now there are already serious studies on this, the artificial world of postmodern cities needs the most surface natural environment, (and energy) of that is available in the natural world!!!.

But it is also the complexity of the cultural world to achieve to understand the causes of its effects that only remains to think that almost everything works for a kind of inertia of the old overlapping plans, asynchronous and void of meaning, since it is not understood how we can continue recreating a world in which we have a series of consequences of which we do not know about the causes, and when we meet them, we can't change them.

In this so-called first world, we forget that it is the first and only, the world is the planet. This amorphus and unnatural development, caused solely and exclusively by humanity, both in its mental-internal relationship (sociology) and in its physical-external relations (ecology). This historical oblivion has different causes, which seem isolated to us, small and disconnected, but it is a forgetfulness that has been broader as urban civilization has evolved, and which has reached irrational levels with the maximum of absolute control of nature, directing us to understand them separately, (however specialized and segregated studies, according to modern scientific standard), two concepts that we must bring together again, given that we need to understand the world, the only world, as a global body, with fully integrated systems in operation:


– SystemBiophysical-electromagnetic


– SystemSociopolitical

Study diagram

Reality – the TangibleMap – the Intangible

Ideologies and

transmission of
State diagnosis

Planning, Actions and
Progress and Growth

new inertias

1 Accounting: Data

It is necessary to make a great effort of abstraction, – let's see if it is really possible – to try to compare natural ecosystems to the artificial system of the city, perhaps the only methodology that helps us, given its maximum degree of abstraction would be the General Theory of Systems. i If we try to put the city under the methodology of analysis of the T.G.S. We can define two parts; Energy matter and information from the following perspective:

1.1 The matter-energy flows that enter, circulate and leave the city

– Analysis of the rates-. We're talking numbers, quantities, the economy, what comes out in the city photographs.

  1. On the one hand, energy-matter flows depend entirely on nature: from the capital of natural reserves, or from energy emissions from the sun, the earth itself, or that of the stars. In fact, we could start accounting for each type of resource and energy amount: Grams/inhabitant, or Watts-hour/inhabitant spread evenly, inventing a strange liberal-community utopia. Although it is proven that the emotional values that each culture gives to its creations or needs are quite different and often not translatable.
    Already the same use of the word "resource" is one of those pitfalls of language that we assimilate without objections, or without prior meditation, Josep Puig expresses very well in the study of the sustainable city, when it refers to the sacred concept that many Tribes around the world have for animals that they must hunt or forests, trees, caves or lakes that have cultural, transcendental, identification, or other functions, but are in no way based on the economic balance of humans.
    Now, we don't even understand the energy-matter flows by which the citizen completely ignores where food or building materials arise and doesn't bother to check where they end up in the form of garbage. He only believes and hopes that these resources belong to him as owner and lord of the planet, denying them in the rest of living beings, as in the most evident case of natural watercourses, which are drying because they are channeled by human consumption, or are polluted after human consumption. Virtually all of them have been privatized, starting with land, water and soil, only the air and interior of the great oceans, which are polluted or expolar knowing that no one will protest.
    The ownership of the land, and the economic valorization of this, generates one of the most serious problems, unless the maximum problem, with regard to cultural dynamics, which should be reoriented in ecological rights policies, the fact that the use of land, its fruits, and even its accessibility is privatized, says very little in favor of humanity in its relation to the rest of nature. The concept of ownership of an object usually corresponds to the use made of it, and we usually use the land for cultivation, but when this use is to destroy its biodynamic capacity, to value it only by square meters, or the most serious, to evaluate it in speculative terms, then the values of the crop no longer have any contact with nature.

  2. On the other hand, within the artificial system of the city there are mainly linear flows, i.e., not integrated into regenerative cyclical accounting. Remember that state budgets do not count the natural reserves as capital, nor waste in landfills as a surcharge, nor the effects on soil infertility, or diseases caused by pollutants as expenses to reimburse…

    At this level, language has undergone a significant amount of readaptations. Until recently the flows of energy or matter that we extracted from the natural environment were not considered integrated to nature, either because they are part of a process that is seen linear, not cyclical, or because they circulate at an intensity very different from the natural rhythm, it was about the construction of hydroelectric plants or burning fuel, in the understanding that this potential was never used by ecosystems. Later we have already named it "resource" so that it is entered into certain accounts, especially because it has become evident its scarce and therefore speculation of its use value. Now we begin to say booty, when we realize that we can not even joyfully change ecosystems, nor serves to make it more compatible if in definite its use leads to exhaustion of it.

    The same could be said in the case of garbage, even does little conceptually "inert", (although in the rural world have always been manure and served as fertilizer). Later, the introduction of the word "pollution", which already refers to foreign bodies in the environment, which is then introducing that then passes to "contaminant" introducing the sense of "danger", and then "risk", therefore ,"precaution", both for the purposes of fiscal effects, as in aesthetic, landscape and health effects, are the cases of the emergence of the ozone hole, the greenhouse effect, and more formerly the "Smog" in London, or heavy metals in all rivers of Europe. And finally adopted several names according to its subsequent use as a by-product repositioning it commercially (rebranding), ate recycling element by reintroducing it worked around, or toxic waste introducing high-cost health methods (public and private), insurers, or decontamination services. In this regard, it is necessary to read "Our Stolen Future"ii, explaining the long-term repercussions that may have the introduction to the environment of organochlorated products.
    If you look at them, these language readaptations are parallel to our knowledge of "data" or "relationships" (remember TGS). The more deeply we know about an element, or a system, the more curly we need to use language if necessary, inventing new terms. And here we come up with several questions, the problem to get the readjustment language does not involve changing the meaning of some words that no longer "interest" to use, or to put completely valid words about different concepts to misstate the original concept, here we could talk about the so-called example of: "sustainability", uniting "development", ,… the aforementioned "Resources", etc… This is happening at breakneck speed in relation to other historical-cultural stages, in which we are making this effort to change language, no longer from the subcultures of the city, or in the language of youth, or the "revolution", but of the same power, indicates that a new cultural body with other concepts and background values is becoming geon…

    If energy is the problem that wanders through different paths, we usually speak of "radiation" to exposure to "energy pollution", completely erroneous, since radiation is the result of the emission of any amount of energy. So here we begin to see that there are still parts of the environmental world in which they have not yet achieved conceptual change. It would be more correct to speak of radiation above natural intensity, or some similar expression. But no term has been printed yet since the sociocultural market is emuded when it comes to giving importance to ionic or simply electromagnetic over-exposures (CEM), even though we are exposed without knowing. Different studies around the world demonstrate this, (the most impressive of all could be that of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, granting the Novel award) on cancer and the CEMiii Although currently many of the contributions on the study of AIDS also coincided with these factors. If we mention contemporary culture, it prioritizes all kinds of overexposure; from small appliances, TV screens and microwave ovens or mobile phones, for UVA baths, radio frequency link stations or telephony and radar antennas.

  3. The key numbers that make everyone else dance: the big problem, what carries the greatest thickness are ourselves, human. In this nature-culture relationship The only element of contact, the one that is on both sides, the one who manipulates and executes through its thermobiological structure is the human being, both natural and genetic and cultural and educated. Of our actions, the most worrying is precisely the number, the plague, which we have reached on this planet, that is, the density of the human population, at certain points in "infrahuman" conditions, in technical terms: socially unacceptable conditions for the culture of the environment, and biologically unsustainable. Moreover, this superdimension is now exploited by power, for the manipulation at the will of the great undifferentiated mass of… Human resources, using the people within the energy accounting, as another item, disposable or acquired by the establishment of a national employment/unemployment system and, therefore, the establishment of business/threat agendas in the relationship with unqualified workers. Devaluing any other characteristic outside of your ability to work and consumption: in a counterexample we see how emotional characteristics are also transformed into values, based on "Reality SHOWS" on TV. But without valuing for now, the values of solidarity, understanding, etc… of people, who would certainly be valued in a non-hierarchical working group or in the coexistence of a neighborhood community.

    Returning to the problem of the super-population, we must pay attention to the part of the "super-" given that there is a population-area relationship of land. It is not a direct relationship that we have resolved according to a mathematical formula, for so many people on the planet so many alqueres per head. It is clear that soil quality is radically different depending on the ecosystem we are in, and the conditions of energy flows vary depending on the bioregion we speak of.
    We can't even think about doing a simple regulation-speculation operation Type:

    Density = residents/surface.

    For the simple reason that life is not a static, linear, density problem as a result of a division of two numbers, but involves a dynamic, actions, biological growth, energy cycles and often rather subtle relationships that do not appear in these simple equations. What is the surface needed to live? What are Human Needs?- Let's get closer in the next chapter…

  4. There is still a third important question: the immense amount of elements that humanity makes dance around it. Both materials, energetic or immaterial. These quantities can be accounted for and are often used to assess a country's level of development: GDP is the clearest example, but they have other Indicators, schooling and illiteracy, of Kcal per inhabitant, of food or fuel (I certainly do not know yet any system of measuring units of information that is moving in a region). In any case, we are talking about incomparably higher IT amount values than those moving in a natual-agricultural environment. – Well, now I'm not counting information like those unconscious routines of the biochemistry of living beings or atmosphere fluids. How can we appropriate, in this anthropocentric selfishness arising from "humanism", of all these resources that also have the right to be used by other living beings? Is there no need to think about a declaration of the rights of the ecosystem, of biological justice?
    And besides these other neighbors in the ecosphere… Do we really control these large quantities knowingly?, Do we have an idea of what trillions of dollars are, millions of tons of wood, billions of tons of CO², millions of homeless families, millions of unknown equatorial plant species…? It is true that there are technicians and technology capable of knowing and assimilating some of this data, but can "Big Data" seize them in an integrated way, in a complex model?, What's more, it can be assumed by the vast majority of the population to be aware and be able to act accordingly since the "Global Think – Local Acts".


1.2 The implementing-decision elements that determine the dynamics of the city flows.

-Analysis of ideas.- Here we talk about formulas, laws, ordinances, regulations and behavioral customs of the city agents, those who move the matter-energy, those who have the information, and those who make the map, the programming and, finally, the general plrograms.

  1. But where does the information come from? As I was exposing at the beginning, this differentiation of nature and the cultural world becomes evident when it comes to discussing information. Natural information is the one we removed (we discover?, we realize?) of the laws of electromagnetics, and thermodynamics, genetics, quantum and relativistic theories, which we ultimately call natural laws. These theories are really applied in one way or another, by the technology of the moment and the interests of power, and with all they are still universal and equal to all. Natural information is also not created or destroyed because it is composed of a handful of small formulas. But their extreme wealth (ecosystems) and diversity, especially in the field of genetics (biodiversity), has generated enough respect to realize that the combinations generated can happen for a period of tiny durability, in such a short period of time, that we never get to know them if we act negligently with nature.

  2. The part of cultural information, which we ourselves have generated, we also have sociopolitical laws, and we can find different theories and explanatory currents of their formulation, one for each famous anthropologist. Or, on the other hand, we can create a whole body of theory and sociopolitics, one for each fight against some distortion in relation to the natural model. Or rather, we try to assemble a body of information formulation that fills the void of natural aina unknown laws. Do we know the great Planning of the Universe? Is there a universe plan? Or simply the medium is the goal. Currently the system that organizes the planning of humanity seems to need society and political programs, as well as the City and Urban Planning. Is all this replacing the laws that operate natural cycles? Or is it really the need to order this "artificial machine" that we call artificial society, what works within the city, currently almost the "Global Village"?. -This question may be that it has an answer in the future and is a question of maturity, but perhaps not, it should be taken into mind that it is linked to this strange dichotomy Specie-Social / Especie-Egoista. It is possible that we do not need such artificiality,. Realize that it depends on the values that govern these sociopolitical laws: when these values are related to the forms of cycles and natural energies, we can realize that the laws were already made.

  3. Over time, the information that manages humanity has gone from an intimate relationship with the environment, from hunter-gatherers, through a more or less balanced symbiosis in the percentage of natural information and cultural information required in agricultural societies, of which we currently still find examples throughout the planet. Ate industrial societies where the percentage of information about products is essentially cultural and unbalances the balance so that nowadays a North-Western citizen in his daily life receives 95% of "cultural" information and only 5% one of natural information, climatology. And from that artificial information that comes to us only about 50% or 60% is information that is really interested, and that we use in our daily lives. (the rest is propaganda the fake-newsiv u) How could we establish criteria for exposing and disseminating only useful information?

    1. The part of cultural information that we have in principle in our environment, but which we are not interested in using is information pollution. If you introduce all the noise information we have in the city, it actually penetrates us unconsciously- within the mnemonic mechanism that we use to think, to meditate, to learn… we would end up schizoide, since it is one about stimulation, in other words, propaganda, it is information that we do not seek or that we have no interest in it.

    2. Physical pollution is redirectable, or disguised based on filters in cheminés, sewage treatment plants, etc… are already operating some clean production systems. But "information" is hardly penitable. Perfect examples we have in the indexes on use and abuse on the Internet, where, despite the expectation Information, reality offers only a 10 or 20% information useful to the Internet. Of course it has no logic to return to censorship. As so often only the change between the value of "quantity" by "quality" could be enough, but the economic dynamics of productive growth prevents this change.

  4. The amount of information accumulated by humanity over these 8,000 years of history changing the environment, cultural history, is too much for a single person to retain in his mind. (Its hard drive capacity). In the modern era, the encyclopedia of illustration, and the scientific-technical revolution of rationalism, and social democracy has generated the "experts". the vision of a world understood only in parts, and by certain skilled elements, the "technicians/scientists" has led us to a super-knowledge des-integrated: "We know much more about less things". In my view with this specialization, we are increasingly away from taking on a complex systems management.

  5. Now at the end of the first 8,000 years of cultured human history, we begin to have artifacts capable of picking up in a short space of time (humanly 1 or 2 years) numerous data from all parts of the planet at the same time, and all the imaginable themes, and process them also in a relatively easy way, albeit with a level of complexity of relatively low factors. This has allowed us to take stock, give us an idea of where the crime caused by our past mistakes comes from, and makes us wonder how much harm this is now causing future generations.

2 Problematic

Nowadays, the knowledge of the planet is becoming more and more accessible, we already have it all photographed and available in network.

2.1 The Needs

There is a lot of written literature due to the social and community struggles of the last two centuries, those of the United Nations, of indispensable characters such as revolutionary fighters or Nóvel awards, or of small neighborhood associations, all over the planet. With everything always under cultural and political concepts, in a certain emotional sense.

  1. We find conflicting news, sometimes from the same sources. Why aren't "human needs" clear? Let's have clarity only from natural ones, biologically similar to other mammals. But of the rest, cultural needs are induced by culture itself, including economics and politics. Currently these two qualities of information are not clearly distinguished.
    People get sick for cultural reasons: silhouette, stress, obesity, anxiety. So the coverage of natural needs has created cultural needs that modify biological ones, and acceptable this dynamic?, does the collective act equally by allowing the generation of greenhouse gases, chlorification of water supply, etc…?

    The data tells us that there are now not enough resources for increasing development in unlimited quantity. But other programs tell us that we can eradicate hunger and school all children in less than 20 years. Are these two data compatible? Personally, I'm quite optimistic, and I think I can believe them, but only if the current dynamics of energy flows is reversed, and redirect them to the non-speculative construction of the city, but to direct actions to equity opportunities.

  2. On the other hand, wouldn't it be much easier to get coverage of these needs if the differences between biological and cultural were clearly defined? Although this entails, as you say, the untie of a series of social and historical conventions. Several prejudices that on the other hand, the current postmodern society is overcoming through completely banal "artistic" proposals and "all-worth", ending again with the figure of creative genius. It is a way of de-culturization, while there is a liberation of social patterns in this culture. Perhaps the basis for a new culture radically different from the restrictive culture exhibited by S. Freud. A culture that is liberated because it does not need to grow, losing the parameters that self-imposed itself from the first sedentary settlements of the farming tribes, where the good of the community and the maintenance of cultivation, and management of resources and surpluses was putting political guidelines for social relations.

    This leads us to reflect on the fact that we are truly the only species on the planet that recognizes that there is no need to grow beyond the current density (and we observe this consciously but helplessly). I understand that any animal species, if discovers a super favorable environment will expand as much as possible. The difference is we who are able to create this super favorable environment: in cities.

  3. Now, for the first time, we begin to quantify the needs in the form of energy-space, proving the repercussion, the expenses, of a human being inserted within a production-and-deposition cycle of natural energy-matter. In addition, this calculation can be done by explaining the link age with the planet area that this spill of energy and waste implies.

    This is the concept of ecological footprint, that is, the space that uses a given human being or group to meet the needs of the consumer and return to the environment the waste of its activities, the space necessary to generate the energy we consume in all the forms we consume it, plus the surface needed to absorb the cycles of natural regeneration of all our garbage.
    This space that needs the cultural world to be "integrated" into the natural world, is really very large, and it is also not about regular surfaces, nor for the different cultures of the planet; the capitalist world, the communist world, the third world, not even within the same city; the millennials, ghettos and slums of the fourth world. Not within different ecosystems, which organize their various cycles of matter-energy with rates and intensities according to local parameters of climate, soils, orography, etc… with other ecosystems.
    The relative size of the two systems: nature-culture is making it more incompatible day after day, perhaps it has been so long, but we have not begun to count until the last few years. The actual size of the cultural system is coming to equal the size of the natural system, going when in reality it will always be a system dependent on it, so, as the natural system needs its own space to retrofeed, it is creating a lethal dynamic.

    Now that we have begun to quantify energy differences we realize the fundamental importance of the problem of land energy management.
    The first studies of this type point out, for example, that the Netherlands causes an Ecological Footprint of 82,000 km², which is 2.4 times the official area of the country, of 34,000 km². Obviously, the rest of the EU countries have similar footprints, so these over-holland age groups cannot be in Europe's neighbourhood. Where the Netherlands occupies this land?, lies almost entirely in the Third World, For example, in the form of fodder for cows. Another study suggests that a Canadian citizen occupies 4.5 H. And so, if all the people on the planet use cycles of matter-energy-waste at the same intensity as a Canadian we find that there is not enough fertile land on the planet to keep all the inhabitants at that level of consumption.
    So how come we're still alive?
    First because others in third world countries die leaving their place free, and second because we exploit fossil resources that have been generated millions and millions of years ago in the planet's geological history. Thirdbecause the agricultural practice suitcase of the estate deplored large areas of fertile land to exhaustion, becoming wastelands that saw deserts by erosion processes. This loss of soil will increase the disproportion of inhabitants/fertile surface, and will remain unfavorable, despite a possible stabilization of the population.
    This process has yet taken place in various parts of the planet. Example of traditional guano from Chile and Peru, extinction of fishing places by overfishing. Until recently we did not realize that this is a globalized situation in the advance of deserts or in the loss of clean fresh water, etc…
    But, although knowing the "anecdotes" we must emphasize this: "so far we do not realize" (In a socially assumed way). It is clear that since the beginning of the industrial revolution, warning voices have been raised on these issues.
    This knowledge leads to a kind of acceptance of guilt and recognition of serious problems, always created by humans. Just as in their day the demands for respect for social rights, they also face the problems created by the unjust laws of the human ones themselves, and it involves changes in the mentality and, consequently, about the social management system that we have.

2.2 Relations

  1. Are current deep issues, such as population or land management, induced by genetic selfishness or the educational system?, are they characteristics of cultures, or of the human species? So how can we face the conflict between the individual use of land (the land for those who work it) and the right of all biodiversity, and specifically the human community, both as individual citizens and as a community, relative to this collective use.

  2. The predominant model that explains the relations of the system with the social classification of production:
    – The main: > Extensive agriculture, mining, fishing, those who harvest finite resources land for sale and "use and enjoyment" of humans.
    – The Secondary: > Circular Industry, and regenerative agriculture, those who "civilize" natural products.
    – The Tertiary: > Those who reproduce cultural products in other cultural products, services.
    – The fourth: > generators from human rejects to return to the natural environmentSeeing this scheme we can

    visualize some of the parameters in which we are generating culture.
    Actually this classification is much more complex, we find huge variants. For example, it does not develop equal to steel industry than the computer manufacturing industry. Among the secondary and tertiary spaces there are varying degrees of complexity, not the same services through the global Internet, as those of a car mechanic in the neighborhood. In fact, we can begin to see that categories can be established by the degree of cultural reelaboration, something as well as degrees of fractal depth, where for example the industry that depends most on the primary sector with mono-products is more exposed to depression, while the most successful is the one that manages to recycle its products culturally.

  3. But we could define other schemes. Even more similar to trophic chains, where for example, dividing society among those who produce: industry, agriculture, mining…, those who consume or use the products: citizens, and who is taking the garbage out of cities usually the administration, although without being assumed the responsibility of closing the cycles of matter.

    > > > Companies >
    > > >
    > > >

    Where we can better see our role within the set, (a consumer and an individual being), and the relative power within the set, (little for having made individual choices) , since we do not control the beginning or the end of the process. It is a true ignorance of citizens, of the realities of the extremes of this line: the spoliation of nature, and garbage disposal in nature.
    In this diagram we can also see how there are many plural subjects, we can be workers and consumers, or make being in administrative management and at the same time consuming, etc… This allows us to reflect on contradictory, even hypocritical, actions in which we are enrolled in globalization at work and in the location in our daily life.

  4. Another model appears in the most common human systems, class systems.

    -The upper class: > With 95% power, which grabs 70% of the economic transactions… Omnipotens?
    -The middle class: > With the purchasing power that marks well-being, the basic needs covered, a regular daily job, and that remains in an intermediate state and does not dare to protest at risk of losing what is gained.
    -The poor class: > the result of the spoliation of the other two classes. Located at a 60% in the third world (as it is growing geometrically in rich countries as well) and has less than 5% of global economic capacity. The class that by having nothing to lose can throw everything at all.

    It is a question of statistics and money classification, but it reflects how every day the lack of justice that is generating itself in the global system. The upper class every day is higher, and the lower class is lower every day. It seems that there is no parallelism with any system of natural organization, in fact, exchanges within natural systems are never established with physical elements, but by the relationships of trophic chains, or rather by mechanisms to ensure energy.
    In culture, in a strange juggling, we refine these mechanisms so much that energy is now valued in a very subtle way, so much so that we value even the same piece of exchange: the "money", as being a solid element, in place of energy. With "money" it is possible to postpone its use in time, generating hopes of future action, just as the spring sun acts on all seeds of sleeping grasses. This strange mechanism of power and individual freedom put on the money the added value of being desired and thus redirect energies to its obtaining, rather than in reverse, direct the energy to get more energy. And instead of creating an exchange systems measured in natural physical values, such as Kw/h or instead of energy, time -is also possible-, we have developed relationship systems based on desire and subjective value of money. That by more detail, it is fully controllable its manufacture and its reduction of circulation between citizenship, which would not be the case of natural energy or time.
    I ignore the extent to which it is possible to formulate another relationship system to value work, mutual aid among citizens, or a manufactured object. Although it is raised and are rehearsing multiple local currencies around the world. Or to what extent the crematorium concept of economics can be modified, as J explains. Martinez-Alier in "economics ecology"v in order to redirect its value fairly and equitably.

    Anyway, it's obvious that there's a socio-emotional component in the face of what's behind the cultural value given to it. In fact, is symptomatic the famous saying of "Money does not make happiness", so is that people do not aspire to be happy?, disappeared the value of happiness of the prominent places of culture?, or is that this happiness that sells us the current culture is not the happiness we want?
    Concepts of well-being or standard of living: that emulate the concept of happiness but vivid it directly with money is the greatest trap in which we are subjected through language. I can't find anything. But we refuse to analyze these simultaneously self-limiting, transcendent and critical aspects of the strengths of our Western culture. When a partner shows us that it fights for solidarity, in improving the human rights and well-being of all beings on the planet, but at the same time tells us that this has nothing to do with self-discipline in relation to their standard of living… How should we fit it in coherence in the values that are circulating in our contradictory culture ?, is that also struggles to export the and stress, on weekends fleeing the city, the horrible aesthetic of the city built to the touch of mortgage and speculator?, what does this have to do with the understanding of fighting for control of nature and the struggle for freedom and human rights?, how can we create natur-cultural values if the languages we are accustomed to increasingly move away from nature-spiritual-transcendental concepts?
    We are ashamed to use words as simple as "happiness," and we should talk about "standard of living," or if we reuse the word "love" distorted, to use it as indicative of sexual pleasure in "making love." Or to other more material and less imaginative meanings, such as identifying "Freedom", with democracy, cell phone, car, or plastic money.

  5. We could finally talk about another model that has remained in force in the history of humanity in an almost biological way: the "Family", and which is currently undergoing important and possibly irreversible changes in the trend of the current Social System. The least self-sufficient group in human history is what we understand by the traditional family, where generations are regularly taken into light by each other, passing values, power and possessions. This family nucleus is supported by the biological functioning of the species, with the evolutionary functioning of mammals. But we cannot link the cultural conquest of the community to the functioning of the family. The parental traditions of the Eskimo tribes, such as those of the families of medieval artisans are formed by individuals grouped together to train apprentices of a particular specific artisanal work, are not essential the bonds of consanguinity, are cultural families?. It is only in the accumulation of power practiced by european noble families, which later reproduces itself with links of the powerful bourgeois families, where family ties become strictly biological-cultural.

    It is evident that the family works as a basic cell for biological transmission and cultural heritage of a society, but when this society organizes complex systems, and training and transmission of these basics of biology and culture, the family becomes expendable. In fact, the most curious exponent is that the Western world is decreasing both its population and its families, although the space that occupies this same population has increased. The individual develops isolated in society, but with multiple friendship relationships and multiple spaces for these relationships. This time we check in the form of physical space, the increase of the separation between two opposing poles, individual reduction, and the amplification of the precise space to develop completely within the city.

    At this time, this necessary space overlaps so many with that of other individuals that the formation of associations, or similar, are given in an increasingly everyday way, and more to those people who agree with this different basic cell of the family, resulting in a cell with totally cultural concepts. Aimed at relegate the function of growth and biological reproduction, so that the group assumes by reducing the traditional concept of family.

  6. The lines of work to try to understand all the relationships of an ecosystem can be quite varied, ranging from studies of crossing databases with GIS on a two-dimensional basis, a statistical or photographic compilation of the different agents and the effects on the entire territory, complete diagrams of the bio-regional trophic chain, and many more…
    How would these studies be applied to the city? The most complete can be the work of urban planning: the Master Plan. But urban planning really is the physical form of a political proposal, what is just urbanism? With the Master Plan we still do not have sufficient or complete general information for the state of the city.

3 Ideologies and trends

In the cultural current of today's world we even find opposing views in relation to human evolution. The prospecting shows us different scenarios of possible futures, some more critical, some more redemptive, some more futuristic… I will personally conceptualize into two large groups, which, to sort in some way, identify as: "Postmodern" position and "New era" position.

But none of these trends are clearly environmentalist. It seems that environmental theses cannot come together to form a "state-of-the-art body", cultural creativity in itself, capable of neutralizing the arrogant Western leisure industry, but only a series of alternatives spread within a virtual body of global political-technical culture. Why is there no such capacity for cultural globality, understanding culture as an artistic expression?, Is it possible that the positioning of environmental creativity does not pass through any international link and survives only in regional forms?

3.1 The postmodern position is one that is globalizing the world. At the moment, as Fredric Jameson explains very well in "Postmodernism"vi, globalization is being effected mainly on a commercial level, but also takes advantage of the spread of an international cultural, in the pasado initiated by transnational colonization strongly based on Coca-cola Rock &roll and North American Hollywood.

On the other hand, it also accepts this multiculturalism that allows for increasingly frequent transcontinental flights. A culture that shows cuts of indigenous cultures, which incorporates solidarity, the rebalancing north-south, tolerance, which causes an almost illegal increase of fair and solidarity trade, or the formation of large non-governmental organizations of solidarity or struggle for ecological preservation, etc. But that at the same time we impose the imperialist trade of large multinationals, the spoliation of the natural wealth of third world countries, the annihilation of tribes and cultures that do not matter to these multinationals with the approval of local governments and the inability of action of the UN international delegates, etc…

In fact, it is the mainstream that is broadcast by the mainstream media. The same organization of the Internet forms an exemplary part of this vision of the world. It is, in a way, the structural proposal of modern and intellectuality, which has been forging since socialist planning: Social planning since a technocratic government that organizes the "balanced" progress of humanity. This Program for Progress scheme is the same one that Capitalism later adopted, only in a much more efficient way, to achieve its own purposes. A progress that, instead of unifying and balancing unleashed in millions of free forms, was deployed in a chaotic "All-valley" of liberalism. Where it is not possible to transmit any programmatic objective to the individual, who has the "free" option of choosing "freely deceived" for what attracts him most, that is, advertising.

Within the postmodern proposal, the individual's position is therefore conflicting between the direction of the programmed system globalizing; The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the G7,… And the apparent democratic freedom, with the individualized position and social self-sufficiency for which it is played, whatever its class status.

It is this progress, which has never taken into account the importance of nature in terms of ecosystem space, which provides clean aire, clean water, fertile soils, and medicinal essences, of what humanity is part of, this progress that only thought of the competition between political blocs of unlimited growth, and where socialist systems differed only by supposed attention to social responsibility for equality, with regard to capitalist systems.

Nowadays, many social claims have been agreed with the capitalist system, to varying degrees according to the level of "well-being" of each country, and obviously mediated to contain its possible empowerment. But new claims are appearing progressively, especially by environmentalists, and with the lesson learned and the momentum underway, the economic system itself rethinks the reaction guidelines, including the incorporation of environmental issues, also to redirect them to their own benefit. We have a magnificent article by Mike Davis; "Ecology of Fear" (As Edén perdió su Jardín)vii on the devastation of California. Managing a quick adjustment to the new conceptual system that continues to be used in the city as an element of consumption, and continues to hide the role of the city in organizational control.

This postmodern culture reinforces current trends, as it expects maximum production
at any price, the maximum growth of "human well-being", and say the laptop and mobile phone for everyone, (formerly computer and phone). Incorporating some that other ecological issue within this cultural conceptualization. Putting nature in function of man, and using language to redefine the "forest" as a "landscape value", or the "sea" as the "natural therapist for depressions", the "ecosystem services".

What we usually define as the era of the "service sector" is nothing more than the era of cultural reelaboration of "Cultural Products": copying, visual reproduction, virtual expression of products, rather than the products themselves.

In fact, one of the most important characteristics of all these changes is precisely in language, in the lexicon, grammar, syntax. The introduction of new technological and computer forms of language, introduction of different international languages in family life, the formation of intergenerational, and intermodal sub-cultural languages. the overlap of more and more visual, symbolic, gestural languages, etc… In need of a mental organization that exceeds the capacity for individual coherence, and by definition "schizophrenia", which as Fredric Jamesonviii (Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of the late capitalism ) says , currently reached a collective level and therefore establishing itself as one of the cultural characteristics, without giving the right value to the individual state of the citizen.

As pointed out earlier, the ideal values that drive the artificial space of the city are the very values of the human community that inhabits it, the city is nothing less than the way it adopts the space to achieve these values. In the city we seek to free ourselves from the climatic rigors of nature, an intense level of relationships reinforcing the circle of creativity, while allowing us to form an organized social group, able to deal with work and needs in delegated or community form and have some time to experience all that senses and pleasure allow us. All these approaches are relegated to the last instance (and are often considered utopian) within the dynamics of the continuation of the system, in the postmodern position, which is why constantly appear alternative proposals that do nothing but focus on these vital goals.

Analyzing the shape of the city and the state of the common culture, we could identify what are the values transmitted by this space. It is here that we are aware of the system of values that govern our society Welfare: Legislative power (public administration), money, (large companies and corporations) unconsciousness (the population)… Like the means of living well.

To emphasize that as technology advances, there is no longer a need for the city to achieve all of this, especially with the connection of systems on the Internet, although historically we can find other solutions: There are transhumant cultures, there are communities on rural farms, and neighborhood organizations almost self-sufficient, inside Third World cities or in small huts in the tropics, there are ways of hunter-gatherer people living in a complete and pleasant way at present.

3.2 The option, let's say, "New-era" puts the utopian route. The renewing and dialectical force against the imposing state. In a harmonious world, from the point of view of human beings, it is proposed that the relations of nature and urbanity must be balanced, that the city must be organically integrated with the rest of its surroundings, being part of the regional ecosystem. From this culture, which we can sometimes also identify as the "neo-rural", conceptualize the cities as the complementary area and once alternative to nature.

A space with a culture much more linked to local and regionalist history, a position that involves at the time a lower sociocultural "stress", restricting the interactions of the avalanche of information from the media, but sometimes with more "moral rigidity", or attachment to naturalistic conservation values at sectarian, facing the arrogance of the postmodern globalist system. Positions that often generate strict in reaction against legal difficulties, customs, consumption, and civil obedience in which conventional values are moved.

As a diverse and free alternative, there is still a lot to follow and many issues to be resolved. Questions, that as always, the system tries to prevent them from being asked, and that if there is an answer can not be proven exemplarily.
This alternative proposal, both of the utopian model of the physical city and of the collective organization is constant throughout the history of mankind:

− The free cities of the Middle Ages of feudal Europe.

– (20) Christian communities such as the Cisterix or the South American Jesuitasx Missions.
− The marginal birth of Amsterdam or Venice.
− The ideal cities of the Italian Renaissance. xi
− The artistic community of Darmstadt 1900,xii colonia g of germinator artists of the Jugendstil in Germany.
− The Garden City of tomorrow. by Ebenezer Howardxiii
− The Falansterios of Furierxiv
− The Amish or the Witmarsum

− The radiant city, of Le Corbusierxv
− Taliesin 1933, Taliesin Westxvi 1937, or Broadacre Cityxvii 1935, by Frank Ll. Wright.
− The Kibbutzxviii
− Global ecovillage networkxix. Findhornxx, − Aurovillexxi, − Christianiaxxii

− The multiple hippie communes of the years '60xxiv
− O C.A.T.xxv in Machinlly – Wales
− The skuattersxxvi and busy…

Noting that Italian Renaissance cities, such as those proposed by Leonardo da Vinci, were the 'First Planned Cities*, the first that printed the artificial invention different from organic-historical. Immediately the first attempts of construction were interrupted by those of several interested agents, each with their cultural contributions, whether they were limiting as enriching. And humanists automatically realized that real dynamics passed through dialectics:

The city makes the citizen – Citizen makes the city

Of all of them those that have been carried out and continue to function are precisely those that were planned autonomously by the inhabitants themselves, in which the community built autonomy with respect to any higher organism.

We realize that they emerged from either the official area or from recognized intellectual prestige as the modern proposals of Le Corbusier and Frank Ll. Wright, or from totally marginal positions outside elite circles, such as the case of Christiania or Findhorn… But those cities that sank or were radically exploited by changing their theoretical conception are those that power adopted for their purposes: the Christian community with the adoption of Rome, the ideal city of the Italian Renaissance, the garden city in Victorian England, the Phalanx in revolutionary France, that of the modern city of Le Corbusier in western international culture.

There are also proposals and alternative models that fail, they do this for various reasons: both may have been by being designed to the extent of intellectual oligarchs, away from citizenship, the reverse, proposed by the community unfeasible from the moment they pose a threat of political alternation, as was the case of hippies of the '60s in California.

At the same time, the creative agents, the artists, are increasingly taking refuge in rural, away
from the cultural pollution of the city and at the same time focusing on the autonomous regional creation that comes back to bring together the cultural space and the natural space, in a common place with identity. In these cases the groups in general are quite durable, compared to the "Revolutionary" '60, true and consistent with the spirit the mission that created them.

If this spirit is important, is this the basis for remaining faithful?, because they have not adapted to power or because the number of individuals involved has remained reduced?, or because they are achieving a "Total Space"?, as Christopher Alexanderxxvii defines in the "Structure of the Environment", a harmonic space where cultural and natural languages are compatible.

In the rest of the cities of the world, we find a state that tends to the limit in the natural interrelations (resources-energies) that tend to exhaustion, and cultural (military-economic globalization) that tends to stress, of the whole planet at the same time. Where these two great currents have assembled a game of forces, and are capable of both absorbing portions of power and imagining new dialectical paths of negotiation between them. Major world events such as Rio de Janeiro 1992, the forgotten Local Agenda 21, the new SDDS. are examples of such dynamics, planned from the top of the pyramid of power, while the planet continues to be devastated.

The declaration of the Independent and free space on the Internet, and the formation of self-contained neo-rural communities, such as those of g's network.And.N, "Living Earth", or "C.A.T" are proposals from the base of the pyramid.

In both the "Postmodern" and "New era" proposals, we are not talking about class programs, typologies that are currently losing classification capacity, but positioning according to the worlds of reference: From the global superworld, the dynamics of mass media and the culture of reprocessing of cultural products, dialectically complementary to the mini-world of local dynamics: contact, personal and natural.

4 Diagnosis of current state

We are not only witnessing a crisis at the levels that the technical-political oligarchy imposes on citizens, but the crisis of the concept of planning, in line with the crisis of the concept of progress, and growth.

This overdose of information not manipulated by the average citizen directs him to inhibition for action, for participation. In the small villages the mayor is generally more accessible, when he is not very affable, he stays close to the neighborhood and you can comment with him on any case within the community with absolute everyday life, – unless there is historical grudge- among other things, because he knows that neighbors will be there again the next day

All the proposals and models, which were once in their day "utopias", from the Renaissance cities, the cities of Leonardo, to the contemporary techno-ecological proposals, such as the Parc-bit in Malhorca, or the island cities of Japan, the regionalist proposals of the garden city of Howars¡d, or the modern cities of Le Corbusier including Frank Lloyd Wright is nothing, but models far from reality, not unachievable or fanciful, but by the overwhelming power of factual power. The owner of the land, the speculator. Contemporary projects died before birth, the same legislation alerted by the dangers of urbanization dispersion now does not allow the emergence of population centers in natural environments, although they demonstrate their full integration.

On the other hand, the planning is equal to the idea of the elite group, a great teacher, a famous A designer or an officer with great experience and wisdom. And it is automatically the left side of the Interes Among citizens, with the exception of major advertising events such as the Olympic Games or a Universal exhibition.

Fortunately people begin to value the "How are you doing what you do", above all the "what is being done. " The city, as Manuel Castells says in "Revolution, technology and new regulations of the Territory", is completed in many of its services and equipment, now the design of the urban environment takes Importance, and aesthetics was to relieve the imperativeness of needs, where the previously requested School, or a CAP, is now asking for green zone or paving project, often the neighborhood states that Identification of forms, which until now has been alienating us with the modern parameters of rationalization and homogenization instead of biooritism and diversity.

But at the time the administration often acts with a policy of actions of acts carried out, such as works of infrastructure forces in our country: highways, road variants, water reservoirs, high quality trains, Speed… even those declared illegal by the High Court are not unemployed or even reformed, creating a state of political fraud and ethical disaccreditation, in the face of fraternity programs, such as the 21 or rogatory for citizen participation that legitimizes delegated democracy.

4.1 Planning

Reality shows us how the city grows from the power of the executioner, the construction lobbies in the great metropolis, or the small pseudo-sectarian communities that proliferate more and more every day in the Neorural world. The Third World Polis subway grows without planning and in the first world cities is planned in parallel with the interior disstructure. What's left has been built. Bipolarization is experienced for or against the city. Urban tribes emerge that Forming new communities parallel to the old neighborhood, and at the same time people flee the city Even if it is only two days from the weekend, looking for cultural detoxification still Return to nature. Unorganized nature.

1 The methodologies that the systems, especially socialist, proposed and then practice are based on the planning of partial sectors in the short, medium and long term, if we speak Urbanism, as if we were talking about industry, health system, birth rate or transportation. Capitalist systems also learned from this experience, only public administration, but from the company. On the other hand, a very logical formulation because it is the sector that produces, as in the socialist orbit, is the state that produces. These plans are always targeted at "economic" growth, although disguised as other names such as progress or social welfare.

The most striking example of this type of plan would be the General Territorial Catalonia, prepared by the government of Catalonia in the year 92. The the Intermodal Government Plan of Catalonia, which despite formalizing a plan for the first time in which All types of transport and their common connections, not only formalize the Integration with the communication routes of bioregions and natural ecosystems such as watersheds, access to the coast, or the large virgin area of the Pyrenees. It was not until The terms of ecology were incorporated, and lately sustainability, now a few years ago Used even refusing, for satiety. In the 1970s the state of environment, ecosystems or other living beings if not for pure exploitation.

2 The results of this type of plan are totally inefficient, due to the impoverishment of The state that has to solve the problems generated by linear production not counting Externalities, inducing a fiscal policy (which also forces us to pay for what is Instead of paying what is poorly done). For example, creating large transport networks of loads and energy, the extension of the bureaucratic state, The social costs of population massification in confined spaces without the Needs covered…

3 Later, the more progressive sectors were proposing strategic plans (not for alternative figure, but supplementary); The first attempt to reflect in a single document the Integrity of the urban system, proposing within them, actions that apparently linked the Problems at the same time, all implying the coordinated action of various Social Agents, the company, the associations, the different administrations… Despite the great Conceptual improvement of the strategic plans made so far is still focused On the rest of the ecosystem.

4 Just a decade ago, this lack of respect for the environment was demonstrated and The figure of environmental impact studies was invented. The EIA, but has already been formulated as A patch that wanted to minimize evil. They are still an annex to the general plans, on the margin, immersed in the dynamics and objectives of the economic growth of the Political Turnaround Program. As you know the EIA are ordered and paid by the same agent as To perform a job and therefore there has not yet been any pressure-free study Some have banned the performance of the studied work. They can never be labeled Study because only the strict scope of the working environment is considered, even if the This is a highway and cut 50 different small ecosystems

5 Recently, strategies go through two newly formulated systems, of different concept, but totally complementary: environmental audits and socioecological indicators. To express it in a nutshell, the conceptual step is very important. It's not that bad. it's just about proposal plans, but just assessments of the state of things. Through an Ecological Audit, all evaluation parameters are evaluated at the environmental level. and sociocultural activities, including systemic relationships that can be established, They try to map the city-Rodal ecosystem.

The indicator systems (enter the indicators of 100 bays of Settle) proposed to reflect the All these assessments of the natural environment in order to the population in a Permanently updated. In this sense, we are witnessing useful information, and The citizen, and therefore it is possible to articulate a reliable action strategy Later.

4.2 Action

Although the models can be proposed, which irrevocably brings culture under the hand, they are not effective nor due to the complexity and rejection of the parties: Propositors, executors, users, etc.

Here we are presented with the big problem, because although we are not using models there are still the Elements: Propositores, executors, users… We are therefore operating without reflection, without participation and without Are dynamic diametrically opposed to an ecological or sustainable performance when different agents. But when agents are the same figure, and the only figure that does not vary is the user, so if that we could find a dynamic consistent with the guidelines of self-management.

1 The proposals of theoretical action are presented in very different ways and agoras different cultural activities: essentially we can differentiate three models: gaia James Lovelock suggests that the planet can solve any kind of defect and Human action is inconsequential, since Gaia always knows how to return Balance, – No comments, yes, it is demonstrative.

The theory of transdisciplinarity that offers us an "ecological" technocracy that supports power decisions, it is evident that it is based on the specialized current Readapted to the complexity of integrity, but it is also evident that the conception of this option, with the same dangers that we have attracted so far in not only represent a change of radical values, and possibly it does not depend only on that all humanity can act consistently, including class differentiation and therefore the legitimacy of the "act". As it has been so far, based on the Debureaucratization of police regulatory licenses and limitations.

Finally the position of, say, "intuitive energy" that proposes the tendency of free Coherent Action, which would be linked to spiritualist and acrates conceptions, and Which is obviously the farthest of all the rationalist schemes prevailing in the current dynamics and, consequently, the most inpragmatic in relation to urgent actions We are beginning to claim.

2 The actions of current agents are purely the fruit of contractual inertia "Time is Money", "we have to grow 3% a year or go into crisis", there is another premise: To act, something must be done, whatever, even if it is to create a disappointment to See if something is done. The super-size of the human population coupled with the Industrialization of complicated jobs that required a lot of work, has Employment Plans, because there is "apparently" not enough work for everyone. As We see, this vicious circle makes us miss the final goals on small daily emergency targets. The dysfunctions of this state go through having a lot of volunteering or non-governmental organizations that are replacing the work of the public administration, It is not interested in being carried out according to what works, and above all the To self-organization or self-confidence.

3 In this same situation we find the associations of neighbors. Small local NGOs, Bairro, which are the best knowledge of the problems and demands of the Citizen. We can say that small organizations do not have personal capacity to address according to the issues, but neither the municipal councils nor the provincial Departments of environment until four years ago. How is not given any kind of To manage your environment?, or better yet, how is it not claimed This power plan? This is because the political parties are inserted in the Clearly, and where the mechanisms of delegation of the current democracy pour into an ordinary citizen, which is not so clear in so-called international NGOs. This situation leads us to contradictions like having a city with a total participation failure, but which in turn has a relevant associative fabric, or a number of others from affiliates to different NGOs is also important. The administration has lost credibility Its directionality to macro-progress, with the knowledge that characterizes the Movements in the environment of diversity, harmony and self-management.

4.3 Progress and growth

1 Currently, monitoring the state of civilization is done according to the scales of GDP, or others Measure the level of purchase and pecuniary of citizens. At the same time the popular Rondalla tells us that money does not make happiness. So where's Civilization going? Money or to value happiness. How could we measure a People's happiness?, to know where it is in imbalance, and organize the planning to solve it Fail.

2 The programmatic directions have been completed, the schemes of partisanship are excessively to act as alienators to represent a decisive path, amen to the abuse of power Have exposed us when more goes more. Citizens attentive only to very specific and highly studied by propagandistic systems: football, Olympics,… But Proposals for the future addressed collectively. There is only a single future after the Institutional Guidelines, or future in the community according to the group's own guidelines. For the simple reason that the group is controllable by its self-defined size, and therefore a certain Reduction of complexity.

3 So far, sociopolitical systems have argued their operation from a scientific and rational point of view. It is obvious that this has been the great fallacy, the lie that humanity created the struggle for the conquest of nature, and that led us to this schizoic state of Western society: self-deception on the basis of our own sociocultural functioning. As explained at the beginning, cultural systems are governed by social rather than natural laws. And on the other hand, it was pretty pretentious to think that we able to assemble an artificial system disconnected from natural systems. In short, it is necessary to realize that we must live in an interrelated world of culture-nature and governed by laws both physical, electromagnetic, quantum… Ethical, moral and emotional… While Culture is the present, based on strict laws of the group's relationship and the delimitation and physical conformation of its space, the city…

Economists have been the ones who suffered the most from this paradox of wanting to argue World in that they were actually supported in an emotional world, and traumatized, according to S. Freud due to the self-suppression of the cultural system. In addition to the fact that they have more logical-rational knowledge, and also the fact of having more data, more information, To familiarize ourselves with the natural laws, the laws of ecology and those that now we have much more criteria to resolve conflicts between space and the Natural Space and the Cultural Espai.

Urban planners (those who follow an urban ideology) do not suffer from this dilemma. They still wield: "The air of the city makes it free", as praying a German proverb. Understanding That the conception of the city has always been that of the creator above nature, in That means timeless to the human. In fact, hospitality and hospitals were in the city, Middle Ages until the end of the Industrial Revolution, when we realized that it was much more Welcoming the countryside, and that health centers were also more benign in a natural environment.

5 Balanced alternatives

As already pointed out, we have reached another different stage with environmental audits. There are no proposals for progress, but a comprehensive measure as can be of all levels of the environment, cultural and natural. Itis To say an effort to know… Knowledge of the State of the Environment to be able to decide better Subsequent Action. Let's notice the difference in concept. In fact they are totally different figures from the planes, this could be complemented if the teams are really inter/intra-. This is, therefore, the elaboration of the Through this exhaustive knowledge that the audit provides. But once we have all this data… Do I need an appointment? For now, it is obvious that a timeline is needed to fix all that have been triggered by the environment. But then where will the term "Progress" be?

5.1 Medium Goal

At the theoretical level, there are no proposals for complete models, but rather an agreement for common values, which is all said, become difficult to combine given the opposing interests.

The physical patterns in which we move should not be more rigid than audits are about the natural environment allow, be aware of how far we are, damaging it.

The natural-cultural limitations are given by the ability to relationship, and with it the ability Relationship, the age of belonging to a specific group or neighborhood, with the baggage Knowledge that has, and of course, the development of personal
freedom that weUninhibited for current problems.

In this sense, a simple methodology appears, but according to the way immobilization, the seattle indicator system, which exposes us to the levels of a pilot of environmental and social parameters: pollution, unemployment, crime and schooling index, and all other indicators of sustainable development control, etc… And that are regularly updated and disseminated in order Citizens' Awareness.

We will find the possible danger of informatively establishing the individual, and with the savior that For other cultures more passote will be necessary to articulate in another way. But in any case it has the great value Parallel knowledge of the middle objective, the recognition of the way it wants to circulate, without allowing unconscious actions to justify the means.

5.2 Citizen participation

The brilliant and fertile example that comes to us once a day is the example of Curitiba in Brazil, where Planning is strongly supported, when not replaced by the immediacy of actions, and spontaneity, adapting to the rhythm that marks the needs of the moment. In Curitiba, however, We find a substitute for the direct action of citizens. The mayor, a charismatic character, is Both Propositor and Executor, is an architect and carries out urban reforms when the To the point of some schedules are held on the same street with the Interaction of pedestrians. This is the dynamics of the people (and I mean the village-Villa, not the «Pobleplevs "), are parts of neighbors in the space where we all know ", and where we know, not by referendum, but Coexistence, what we want.

In this sense, S. Van der Ryn in "Ecological Design", proposes us a series of principles, the first That ecological knowledge begins with the intimate knowledge of a specific place, and the Then on a small scale. In a few, finding the scale of the community will be what makes the project viable In Your city.

And another of its principles explains that no one is just a participant or designer: all are At the time of the participant and designer. Indicating the need for a complete dynamic in each of the nodes to undertake a complete dynamic in the group.

In the same sense Christopher Alexander indicates that the training of a complete environment is formed only from the moment when all its integrals are complete, and also share a coherent language and communication and construction.




Spontaneous SiteSynchronous

5.3 The very complete measurement

What sizes are the schedules optimal?

What is the amount of complex information that we are able to take to digest, thinking, and finally acting consciously and coherently?

It is quite difficult to answer the question due to the multiplicity of factors and values of each culture, of each group or family: density, the relationship of trust with a possible leader, intimacy and within the group, technological development, the fertility of the space in which all cultures develop it…

Perhaps the simplest inter-intradisciplinary methodology to be used within this quas assemblary environment For everyday life and immediacy would be the redefinition of management spaces, without The uses according to personal tastes, but according to the adequacy of the ecosystem.

What are the forms we get?

I.- Define the use and management of land in the neighborhood instead of private property.

II .- Define the compact city, depending on this size, consistent with knowledge. And therefore with application of democracy and direct action.

III.- Defining the relations and dimensions of the City-Surroundings, depending on the resources, the ecological footprint, the urban and natural areas with rural areas such as intermediate gardens, similar to the legal concept of The pre-park.

IV.- To define the relationships and dimensions of the network and the urban node, think about the formation of the network of nuclei within an area, in such a way that they meet the sociocultural needs-services of the population without causing concentration. In fact, we are defining a map of cultural regions. (We can talk to The time of the counties: the Empordà, the Pla de Bages, or the Osona, or communities, or : Catalan countries…)

V.- Define the bioregional area so that this network of urban centers is recorded within a space Systemic definition. For the historical areas to return to the limits of natural spaces and Do not conquer: the Pyrenees, the basin of the River Ebre, the Costa Brava…

In these last two points we are talking about cultural region in front of the natural region. This is the Nature-cultural reconciliation certainly happens for a redefinition of the management systems Sociocultural function of natural regions.

Not only do we have to tend to measure cities biologically through the concepts of Ecological Load capacity of a region exposed by Daly, or Catton'86, Garret ' 91, or footprint Of a town in the rural-natural space, exhibited by Rees ' 96. We must also realize that makes us need to define the coherent cognitive capacity of the community.

That is, to measure both the biological size of the city organism and the cultural size of the organism The city, regardless of what, like ecosystems, establish relationships with ecosystems of greater degree through the surplus flow to the outside of our cultural bioregion.

1 The methodology that Christopher Alexander proposes is obviously based on the dialectical interaction City-Citizen. The one is complete as much as the other. The city is modified in relation to the Actions of thousands of individual citizens, and the citizen Readapts to the city in a coherent way, with some collective awareness of shapes and dimensions.

The key piece is obviously the common language that allows this fluency of exchange and can never be the legacy of an elite programmer, whether political or technical.

In an interesting biological comparison, we would understand how the sum of small organic acts form one and body consistent as a tree, or how it is a forest at different scales. It would also be identifiable in the city if the sum of the small acts of the citizens were coherent. Here appears the Great Difficulty of the proposal. How did biological growth achieve that the system is and permanently in balance during all stages of its growth?, as people contain that coherence, and today's cities no more?…

Does global thinking involve global values, a global ethic? If so, what are these values. Concepts that should be from entities such as the UN should be very clear when it comes to action. But do we need some kind of government? Security on the personal path and identification should be enough for each of us?

It seems, therefore, that we have two possible methodologies to solve current problems: an ascendant, growing, globalizing, where it would be necessary to expand the capacity of knowledge, discussion, meditation, etc… In a way,Working in transdisciplinary teams, around the world and around the world, and in global technicians, but what everyone can access it with their proposals, so that everyone has reached this critical level ofDebate
: an Internet system. Whether on the downward path, location and neighborhood, reducing the scope of space to give Solutions in such a way that any element of the group, even if its technological capacity is limited Have all the information necessary to deal with the debate and work: a neighborhood association system.

Of course I would bet on the downward path, given that it is the only one capable of controlling itsA
cycle of learning-error and consciousness, but it is also evident that there are some cultural and economic forces that bring us in the other direction, and great political and economic forcesControl the activity of neighbors so
that there is never a decisive capacity.

Perhaps most accurate is that they are not entirely clear these two paths, that humanity itself In different regions of the planet, at different stages of maturity, without this imploded that the richest are the most mature. One hypothesis would be that they have the advantage they have and the cultural history is even longer, as they achieve a body with more balanced cultural information. This does not mean that you have to follow the same path that we do not have the same roots, nor the same Historical and Cultural Experiences…

In addition to this baggage, I always thought that one day will come that historians will have a lot of work and Valued, according to the maximum "information is power". As explained, but the study of history in
universities since the new neoliberal programs?), the most efficient contemporary attitude Can be one that needs more knowledge in all areas, integrated, linked to critical processes and Discussion, debate and direct action, experiencing errors and assuming them instead of delegating them, and thus releasing the inhibitory repressions that live in the current culture. It will always be more than specific knowledge with logic processes, restricted to the scientific method of Conventional.



Load capacity



Urban Space


Sociopolitical behavior

Political map

Consistent cognitive ability

Despite the work this represents, it often means that the goal becomes a method and the other way around, because Nature still contains for us a good dose of chaos.
And that lasts!

Jordi Badia Pasqual

Sabadell, July 11, 1997


Article Sostenible Desenvolupament: J. Xercavins

Ludus Vitalis

revista de Filosofia de les Ciències

Vol V number 8 1997, 1

Centro de Estudios Philosophical Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano. Mexico

1133-5165 ISSN

1993 Fc Barcelona

i TGS.General Theory of Sistemes
The general theory of systems does not seek to solve problems or try practical solutions, but rather to produce theories and conceptual formulations that can create conditions of application in empirical reality.

Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival? is a 1996 book by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers,


Evidence suggests that chronic exposure to low-frequency non-ionizing radiation and sources of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields may increase the risk of cancer in children and adults.

Iv Fake-news. Term introduced in the revision of the text in 2020,

The term "fake news" translated by "News fucked" released by the "Mass media", to differentiate itself in the quality of their news from the news of free channels over the Internet. But also to hide or tergiversar the classic term of "lie" and thus not be accused of defamatory or slander on their official news channels

V Joan Martínez Alier (Barcelona, España, 1939) es un economista catalán. He has a professor of Economía e Historia Económica de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Saw Fredric Jameson is an American literary critic, philosopher and Marxist political theorist. He is best known for his analysis of contemporary cultural trends, particularly his analysis of postmodernity and capitalism

Vii Mike davis

Viii Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

Ix Sant Bernardo and the order of Cister.$mosteiro-de-cister

x Organization of Jesuit missions.

xi Renaissance city of Leonardo da Vinci

Xii Darmstad Artists Community.

Xiii Garden city –

Ebenezer Howard

Howard, i'm sorry.

Xiv Falansterium was the denomination of intentional communities idealized by the French philosopher Charles Fourier

xv The radiant city of le Corbiusier.

Xvi Taliesin West.

xvii Broadacre City.

Kibbutz xviii.

xix Global ecovillage network.

findhorn xx .

xxi Auroville.

xxii Christiania.

xxiii Arcosanti.

xxiv Hippie Communities.

xxv Centre for Alternative Technology. Cat, cat.

xxvi squatting,

Xxvii Alexander Chirstopher

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