Ecosystemic planning

Ecosystemic planning

  1. Strategic-Ecosystemic-Participatory Planning
  2. Bioregionalism, Ecovillages, eco-neighborhoods, coherent dimension of the city.
  3. Cooperative Housing, cohousing and urban bioclimatic.
  4. The city for children, the universal city and the assembly fore.
  5. Transcendent, integrated, harmonic and therapeutic public spaces.
  6. Water, vegetable gardens, recycling and permaculture. Elements of urban design.
  7. Communication and Mobility on a human scale – the city limits.
  8. Coworking, local production, self-sufficient energy and smart city
  9. Landscape, patterns of cultural identity and tourism.

Strategic-Ecosystemic-Participatory Planning

Chaos and order form part of nature, chaos entering the forest, and the rigorous and harmonic order of the development of the leaves of xaxins.

Chaos and order exist in the city, stressful, multiactuative, multi-show, strictly guided by municipal ordinances.

The conjunction of an ecosystem city will also be chaotic and orderly, and also a harmonic combination of the two worlds, the ecosystem with its rules and needs and that of humans, with its behaviors increasingly aware that natural space needs respect in its energies, water, trophic processes in exchange for environmental services

We need the planning for this project-process to go well.

And it has several technologies at our disposal, such as “dragon dreming” and others, which always include transparent and inclusive participation in sociocratic governance processes and reports from ecologists among others,

Bioregionalism, Ecovillages, eco-neighborhoods, coherent dimension of the city.

In the planning of the city-region we will use the concept of bioregionalism, proposed in the 60’s to rethink the territory no longer on a basis of political geography inherited from wars, spoils and land ownership, to come to understand the land according to the biomes of the continents and within them the different ecotonos. The dimensions of being bioregions usually correspond to valleys and sub-valleys of rivers and streams, so that organically form a community with the guiding thread of water.

Eco-neighborhoods would be the smaller cells of this region-city territorial hierarchy. And in them that is deposited the smallest cell of social political decision. And also those that would determine this maximum measure of 10,000 Hab, and 4 km in diameter, always depending on the fertility and bioclimatic density that the buildings allow.

The eco-district must maintain an important level of self-sufficiency, especially respect for water, and energy, and essential works such as conductors and sanators. Also counting that the administration of food security can be satisfied, even if it does not contemplate a diversity of fruits and vegetables far beyond the possibilities of fertility and the local climate.

Also proposing that co-working spaces are sufficient for the production of all the goods that we now understand as a comfort stantium.

Cooperative Housing, cohousing and urban bioclimatic.

Housing will be provided by the community in the form of perpetual use and with the possibility of inheriting it by descendants so that real estate speculation ceases to make sense, but assuming that maintenance expenses in the quality of equipment and living conditions should be charged by the user cooperative itself

The buildings are constructed with biocompatible materials and of long durability, although biocompatible, so that they do not contain health risk at the end of their life cycle. This is possible with mineral bases, wood, earth, natural resins, and various high strength vegetable fibers without petrochemicals.

The projects contemplated the balance consumption 0.0kw for these buildings in a way that consumes the same as producing energy, Basically with principles of passive bioclimatism in its maximum expression, solar radiation collection, greenhouse effect inside and ventilation controlled by interchangeres.

The city for children, the universal city and the assembly fore.

In recent decades several proposals of urban planners have added indispensable concepts for the new urban plans: concepts such as the pedestrian city, the city of children, the female city, the city without class race discrimination, for the elderly… visions that were missing, and were adding to processes of analysis of the realities built, to plans and programs of revitalization of historical centers that, were emptying and degrading or programs of new settlements in extra-radio, poorly communicated and candidates for distant ghettos.

Child means mandatory to have games on the street, and generate a city with more interaction and empathy. The city where you can run without fear to be run over, the city where you stop to see a butterfly or a dragonfly. Would it be a better city?

And the city with this public forum where to discuss the issues in assembly, this place where to celebrate the parties, and everyone and everyone have their place.

The educational process, schools and universities are the neuralgic center of contemporary cities, of course distance education is replacing this face-to-face system at an unbridled pace. But we’re not talking about the specialized training that was currently leading us to college. We have to talk about this step from puberty to madurez, this time of independence of children, to create their own group or family. This needs a specific time and space, which gets used (even better) not to be close to the neighborhood of our childhood, to know the diversity of the world, the diversity of casses. From opinions, from people from other cultures including. Today the university is the greatest catalyst of this effect, together with the “young” cities such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, San Francisco, etc… the fashion cities.

This attraction effect for young people, this liberating effect of the university at the same time creates new ecovillages, such as Finhorn (Scotland), or Auroville (India), Taliessin2 (Nevada) but may also be the best argument for historic cities to revitalize.

Transcendent, integrated, harmonic and therapeutic public spaces.

We have become accustomed to a public space without attributes, too gray, without another goal than to be a place of step from our house to our work, or even places of idleness such as shopping malls, cinema the restaurant, but devaluing the rich that can be this traffic through the city and this time in the common surroundings.

But not and so biophysically, on the street our body and our sensors are as active as at home the other place. The street, the avenue, the square has to be beautiful and harmonic too, to create precisely this city reflection of full and happy citizens. A reflection of cultural and biological diversity, a reflection of an identity more powerful than the sum of its citizens.

A city where simply strolling through it already has therapeutic effects, where you can find special spaces where you meditate, do yoga, dance, or any other healthy practice to form part of the landscape.

Water, vegetable gardens, recycling and permaculture.
Elements of urban design.

Water models the orography of streets because it is one with water stream, drainage and purification. And the forest “design” of trees, gardens and gardens also follows the water path.

Water management and that creates non-desert and unflooded places. The management of water that provides food of all kinds.

With water we create leisure spaces such as swimming pools, and therapy as themes and saunas.

From the gardens and gardens come food and organic material for composting, water and organic material we have purification tanks of gray and black water to reincorporate to natural flows without contamination.

Biological water purification systems are efficient for small housing groups between 3 and 20 families, and this means creating clearance spaces in each building or condominium. You imagine having the rivers always clean!

From seeing the water flow in the street we are aware of the times of drought and the certainty of you have or noa reserves, we learn of the limits and our most critical ecological footprint.

Permaculture… Sytropism… Biodiversity….

Communication and Mobility on a human scale – the city limits.

Cities have territorial limits, and will be calculated following ecological footprint parameters of load capacity and coherent cognitive capacity.
It is to say, the city will be guided by operating algorithms with the inputs of energy and matter that enters and exits its system, defining this system with the city built its agricultural region that sustains and feeds its inhabitants, and the rest of the necessary raw materials, as well as the natural surfaces that provide the respective environmental services necessary as water, clean air, and free biodiversity. This resulting area will soon be the basis for the design of mobility logistics and universal accessibility.
Mobility technologies will be prioritized those that allow minimal displacement, improving digital services in network, following single-person services without consumption of fossil fuels such as bicycles, and the like, following by public transport with maximum clean energies such as hydrogen, biofuels or electricity, and finally transport vehicles of small private groups with fossil fuels only until clean technologists can supply this transport sector.
Communication tourism to other city ecosystems may create (and or improve existing) transport models whenever communication between the peak-end and arrival regions as well as all intermediate regions that pass in agreement with their participation, benefit and responsibility for the part of infrastructure that reaches them and does not generate imbalances between any of the parties.
This happens between regions more and less rich in fertility of the territory or tourist attractions for example.

Coworking, local production, self-sufficient energy and smart city

What will production be like for ecosystem cities? If we have introduced the concepts of current value and current of trust between stakeholders, as well as the concepts of circular economy, and circumscription to the bioregion, we should think of productive processes that fit these guidelines. Valorization of the region’s natural resources, both biophysical and energetic, have led to industrial districts equally inserted in the city, where home work mobility will be minimized, because contaminant effects will be nullified as well, and small-scale production: Local production, Km 0.0 will be able to generate well-being families.

Small and large 3D printers will easily replace large industrial ships such as automakers, or the 3D printers themselves, how much will it cost to have a small personal chip manufacturing room in nanotechnology?

Currently the ability to operate lathes, cutters, presses and laser cutters, and 3D printers allows the manufacture of a small number of parts for construction that almost any appliance or its repair.

In the “developmental / progressive” paradigm (both capitalist and communist) the indicator of progress was a sum of tons of molten metals, tons of steel and aluminum, quantity of cars and appliances including IT produced. On the hdi accounts, the accounts of literate children, number of hospital beds and deaths from hunger are available. In the population localities these values will be quite different.
Today we have more than one car per family, several smartphone per head as items that mark families with the ability to develop in the modern mute, but also the cities will have the measure in relation to the fields and vegetable gardens necessary for their population, and for so much ninhem will starve. The indicators of steel tm or bricks will be measured exchanged for Tn of recycled by-products.

Landscape, patterns of cultural identity and tourism.

Why are most modern cities so ugly compared to ancient cities and peoples or as their own historic centres? How is it possible that the very declaration of the Athens letter that defines that modern architecture considers aesthetics a major and very important factor for the city, while old towns and historic centers did not have this social pact on proportions, nor with the pedagogy of aesthetics, so valued with the avant-gardes of the modern movement of the early twentieth century?
The aesthetic concepts were well understood, a majority of architects understood, but not so with the urbanists, who allowed the chaos of the city without even realizing what was happening.
The city should be built with shared languages, as minimal by neighborhoods, creating and maintaining formal and iconic identities, visual and landscape identities.