About us

About us

Since 1998

I’ve wanted to be an architect since I was a kid. Thinking of helping the development of humanity in harmony with nature. Wanting to expand my creativity by showing everyone how we can do this with deep integration with all living beings. Create, evolve, love…

Create, evolve, love…

Today from the Guarani region to the south
of South America, we are building this future of self-sufficient and conscious cities.
This is where a regenerative culture is emerging…

Come with us to a better world

Jordi Badia Pascual


Our Team works to design and build cities, neighborhoods, houses, schools, places of therapy, of transcendence, of work, of pleasure… Always integrated with the fields and forests, training professionals, experimenting and building cooperatively.


People organized into communities as far as the load capacity and the ecological footprint of the region. Eco-villages, diverses, harmonics, timeless, biophilics…


  • Wisdom
  • Love
  • Freedom
  • Practicality
  • Respect
  • Effort