Isolated Neo-rural House
Project and building manager
- Bioconstruction
- Bioclimatic
- Compressed Earth Block Structure, and Wood
- Biological water collection and management
- EMF Minimization
- Thermal solar energy
- Integration for food orchards sufficiency.
I want to build my own house. With natural materials and land resources.
Fernando Timoneda
With Pilar and Jordi we did the project with blocks of compacted earth (BTC).
It was the solution. We charge the manufacture of the manual press to make the blocks. And after analyzing the composition of the land and the stabilization tests myself, and my wife, we started doing blocks every weekend. Today we already have the house totally ecological and very low cost.
Soon we started with the vegetable garden. Thank you all.
Promoter: Private
Localization: Biar,
Alacant – Es
Year: 2010